Thursday, September 3, 2009

Lots of Reading, Rest, and Food....

Well, today marks my 15th day in site. I know this because we had a HUGE packet of papers due yesterday about Emergency Contacts and Site Location. BORING but necessary. I, of course, turned it in late. Apparently, when they say you have 15 days to turn it in, they mean turn it in by the 14th day. Oops.

My first two weeks in Macas have been pretty uneventful. I visited the Consejo Provincial (which is something like the province capital building) and made friends with some of the engineers and workers there. We made pizza one night and have made plans to explore the jungle in a few months when we are allowed to travel. I also met a few police officers who are about my age and we sang kareoke and one asked me to marry him. Gotta love the difference of love and romance in foriegn cultures. All in all, I´ve spent the last 2 weeks adjusting to life in a new town. It´s actually been a nice break to transition from the rigid, strict schedule of training to the unstructured, chaos of being a volunteer.

I start work on Monday when the students begin class. The school didn´t have anything for me to do during summer break, hence why my last 2 weeks have consisted of sleeping, reading, and eating homemade quesadillas. I´m super excited to get to work and be productive and have a purpose each day. I am curious and a bit nervous about working with special education in a foreign language and culture but I think it will be an amazing learning experience.

I´d love to hear from anybody and everybody! My new address is

Nicolette Sammarco
Cuerpo de Paz
Correos Central
Macas, Morona Santiago

Yes, that´s right, just send it to the post office and I´ll go by occasionally to see if I´ve recieved anything. No box. No delievery. Just simpleness. MULU 123 (my family´s amazing code talk for Miss You Love You).

Ps- I´m trying to figure out the picture scene.... right now Facebook is the easiest to display and store photos. For those of you who don´t have an account, I´ve made the albums public so you can view. Just copy and paste these URLs into your top bar and have a peek!